Rise offers capacity building, resources, and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations with a focus on development corporations (CDCs) and the St. Louis community development sector as a whole. Through these initiatives we facilitate partnerships to undertake comprehensive approaches to community development.

CDC Capacity Building

With the support of local banks and foundations, and local and federal government agencies, Rise provides capacity building technical assistance to St. Louis area community development corporations (CDCs) and other nonprofit organizations. Our capacity building helps CDCs successfully undertake the revitalization of neighborhoods.

Rise engages in in-depth organizational assessments of all program participants to design capacity building plans based on these assessments and annually evaluates programs to determine success.

What all this really means

Many organizations have big goals such as neighborhood revitalization, organizational restructuring or acquiring neglected properties. Despite ambitious undertakings, community development non-profits are too often understaffed and lack the resources needed to accomplish their organizational goals.

That’s where Rise comes in. We work with these organizations to find out how their current capacity is functioning and where the gaps are between what they are able to do and what they want to be able to do. Rise provides staff resources and trainings to put together plans and fill in gaps in expertise, time and resources to help expand the capacity of an organization so they can do more.

Rise’s capacity building includes individualized technical assistance and organizational  group training classes for area nonprofits.

Our individualized technical assistance focuses on six categories of organizational capacity development:

  • Leadership and Community Engagement

  • Small business modeled operations

  • Organizational financial management

  • Organizational development

  • Planning, implementation and evaluation

  • Partnerships & Community support