Accurate community information vital for successful developments and neighborhood revitalization projects. At Rise, we help organizations figure out what data they need to look at in order for their revitalization projects to be successful. These organizations learn which indicators are important to track, and how to blend that information with the qualitative stories told by neighbors and other stakeholders.

Rise maintains a variety of data for areas throughout the St. Louis region, as well as assists in the collection and creation of new data specific to a particular development or neighborhood.

Accurate and timely information is vital for successful neighborhood planning and neighborhood revitalization projects.

At Rise, we assist community development organizations with their database and geographic information system needs.

With our strong focus on open data, Rise also engages in public education, serving as a link between hard civic data and public information, which helps to keep St. Louisans informed about their region.

Rise’s data specialty lies in detailed reports around areas in the St. Louis region. These reports are demographic and policy evaluation documents that track neighborhood change over time and inform decision makers about how to move a community forward.

Neighborhood Change Indicator Tracking
Data Capacity Building
Public Information
GIS and Mapping
Information Systems

Rise provides technical assistance around data to organizations:

  • Allows neighbors, nonprofits, funders, grant makers, and financial organizations to make data-driven decisions.
  • Mapping and community asset collection.
  • How to collect, organize, and interpret data.
  • Outcome and impact measurement
  • Demographic analysis around neighborhood change indicators, so your organization is looking at the right indicators through the right lens.

National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership

Rise represents St. Louis in the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, a collaborative effort by the Urban Institute and local partners to further the development and use of neighborhood information systems in local policymaking and community building.

In this role, Rise collaborates with partners from cities around the country to track neighborhood changes and determine the indicators needed to best do so. This helps is not just make decisions locally about tracking the effectiveness of our own revitalization efforts, but allows us to share data with other experts to both refine our models and assist others in refining theirs. To learn more about the NNIP concept, click here.