Rise supports “Everyday People” with 2015 Annual Appeal

Please take a moment out of your busy day to read a special message from our President at Rise:

Rise creates homes for everyday people. Teachers, Police Officers, Bank Tellers, Healthcare workers… people you meet everywhere you go, people who are the backbone of our communities.

Rise builds affordable housing for people that make 60% or less of the Area Median Income. These people need Rise to provide places and spaces to live and raise their families. Rise needs YOU to help make these places a reality.

Here are some facts about these everyday people:

Male police officer smiling by patrol carThe entry level salary for a St. Louis City Police Officer is $37,889. If that officer has a small family (a wife and one child) he makes less than 60% of the Area Median Income. Our police officers make great sacrifices to protect our citizens. They shouldn’t have to sacrifice when it comes to providing safe homes for their families.







The average salary for a preschool teacher in St. Louis is $27,640; this is less than 60% of the Area Median Income for a single person.




Detail view of a group of nurses looking at a file in hospital settingAn Emergency Medical Technician in St. Louis makes $28,314, well below the Average Median Income.

Between 2000 and 2013, the number of residents living below the federal poverty line in St. Louis’ suburbs grew by 53 percent. Recent research suggests that the lack of stable housing is a primary driver of high healthcare costs and poorer health outcomes for people. Lack of affordable housing and safe communities impacts access to education, safety, healthcare, food, and jobs.



Everyone deserves clean, safe affordable housing and Rise provides 5,000 homes (and counting) in our neighborhoods.

Rise partners with communities to build stronger, more equitable St. Louis area neighborhoods. Help us continue “lifting our communities” for everyday people by donating to the 2015 Rise Annual Appeal Today.

St. Louis needs Rise and Rise needs YOU!

Thank you for your assistance.

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Stephen Acree, President/Rise
