Rise to receive award for “Housing Development Project of the Year” by CDA

On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Rise will receive the “Housing Development Project of the Year” award from City of St. Louis Community Development Administration (CDA) for our work at Fox Manor. The ceremony takes place at the Jewel Box in Forest Park and goes from 6 to 8 pm.This award will be given “in recognition of our exemplary work in 2014,” as part of Community Development Week! The grand opening for Fox Manor was June 14, 2014. Located between Delor and Itaska Avenues on South Spring Avenue, the Fox Manor Apartments were rehabilitated with exterior facelifts, new floor plans, structural enhancements, modern amenities and architectural improvements designed to increase market value. The redevelopment of the Fox Manor Apartments has strengthened the community through the redesign of 25 unoccupied multi-family buildings, which are now reconfigured into 51 apartments and a management office.

We are honored to receive this award and excited about the progress in the Dutchtown neighborhood!

Spring/Delor apartments


CBN Awards Ceremony 2015 Inspirational and Emotional

On March 19, the Community Builders Network (CBN) of Metro St. Louis and Rise hosted the 2015 Community Builders Annual Awards Reception at the Cortex One Building on Forest Park Avenue. As part of the ceremony Rise honored recipients of its 2015 Regional Neighborhood Support Collaborative Grants. This is the third year for the now annual event and by far the most inspirational.

Bonita Cornute of Fox 2 News did  wonderful job as  Mistress of Ceremonies. Hank Webber, Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration at Washington University,  provided a powerful and heartfelt keynote speech on the importance of community development efforts in St. Louis and reminded us that “history is not destiny”.

This year’s eight CBN Award winners were:

Anita Telkamp, St. Charles Office of Community Development for Excellence in the Public Sector, Cynthia Jordan, Citi for Excellence in Banking, Floyd Wright, Southwest Garden Neighborhood for Excellence in Resident Leadership, Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation for Excellence in Philanthropy, Guy Slay, Mangrove Redevelopment for Excellence in Business,  the Workday, a Ministry of Restore St. Louis and New City Fellowship for Excellence in the Faith Based Community, DeSales Community Housing for Excellence in Community Building, and ex-offico board member and a woman who has been an ally of Rise almost since its inception, Debra H. Moore, representing St. Clair County who received the award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Building.

Loura Gilbert, Vice President of Community Development with Commerce Bank, and  the chair of the CDC Capacity Building and Collaborative Grants Program committee for Rise announced our 5 recipients:

DeSales Community Housing Corporation for the Jefferson Collaborative Heath Initiative, Greater Alton Community Development, Inc. for the Block Build Project, Lemay Development Corporation & Lemay Housing Partnership for Start-up of the CommUnity Link Newspaper, Northside Community Housing, Inc. for their Minor Repair, Beautification and Gardening Program, and Tower Grove Neighborhoods Community Development Corporation for their Tenant Screening Program.

The event was well attended with over 225 people and there were some truly inspiring moments that brought tears to the eyes of some of the awardees and the audience.

Congratulations to all of the winners and well done CBN! Rise is proud to be a partner in your efforts to build and lift our communities!

Pre-Schoolers Engage With Rise & New Community Development

On March 18th, Rise led two student tours for East Alton Elementary School, District #13 of the new Emerald Ridge affordable housing development in the once-distressed, former Defense Area of East Alton. Rise began developing 46 new single-family homes in East Alton, Illinois in March of 2014 in partnership with Southwestern Illinois Development Authority (SWIDA), the Village of East Alton and Madison County, IL. The students were led by Principle Stacey Egan and Teacher Beckie Harmon.

The tour consisted of some very inquisitive young students, parents who boldly braved the cold, teachers who led the way, and Mr. Bill Flynn as our guide through the nearly completed location. “Builder Bill” as he identified himself, is the Emerald Ridge project construction manager from Altman Charter Construction Co., a partner with Rise.

Mr. Flynn provided a brief presentation on the details of construction for the students, including all the varieties of artisans and craftspeople required to build an individual house, the average length of time to complete a house (7.7 working days), the materials and tools involved, and all manner of details that really engaged the students. Many tiny hands were raised, adorable and thoughtful questions asked, and plenty of fun was had by all.

The students made a circuit around the 3 blocks of homes in varying states of completion, and were able to visit a fully completed single family home much to their delight (and their parents’ as well, because it was a lot warmer on the inside). They were treated to high ceilings, vibrant paint jobs, and all the exciting nooks and crannies of a brand new living space.

The enthusiasm of the two tours subsequently went off the charts when the students were brought to the common green space in the center of the three blocks, which is slated to be freshly landscaped into a brand new park and green space. The biggest bonus for the kids: a new technicolor playground outside the Keasler Recreation Center, right next door.

Rise finished off with an informative video interview with East Alton Elementary School’s Early Childhood Principal, Ms. Stacey Egan. The school’s commitment to community development awareness, and instructing their own future community builders, is more than admirable.

This tour helps the school and the students meet the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards, in particular, “comparing and contrasting”, by experiencing and learning about how homes are built and what the finished product looks like. The Emerald Ridge grand opening and ribbon cutting is scheduled for April 20, 2015.

Emerald Ridge/East Alton Elementary Tour 1Emerald Ridge/East Alton Elementary Tour 2Emerald Ridge/East Alton Elementary Tour 3


The City of St. Louis Solicits Comments on Evaluation Draft

The City of St. Louis is soliciting comments on its draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER is an overall review of the housing and community development activities undertaken in 2014 by the City of St. Louis.  It is part of the Consolidated Planning process, which is a pre-requisite to receiving federal HUD funds.

Public Hearing Notice/Public Comment Period

The Community Development Administration will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in Suite 2000 at 1520 Market Street.  The purpose of this hearing is to solicit public comments pertaining to the 2014 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) prior to its submission to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Available for Review

The 2014 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) will be available in draft form for review by any interested citizen prior to submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on March 6, 2015 at the City of St. Louis Central Library located at 1301 Olive Street. The draft report, including IDIS reports and the Financial Summary, will also be available for review at the offices of the Community Development Administration located at 1520 Market Street, Suite 2000.  Copies of the report may be downloaded from the City of St. Louis website at https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/community-development/documents/index.cfm.

Written Comments

The views of citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties are strongly encouraged. Written comments or suggestions may be addressed to Ms. Alana Green, Director of Administration, Community Development Administration, 1520 Market, Suite 2000, St. Louis, MO 63103, or via e-mail at [email protected].  Comments are due by close of business on March 20, 2015.

Other Information

Persons with special needs or accommodations relating to handicapped accessibility or foreign language should contact Ms. Green via email at [email protected] or by phone at (314) 657-3844 or (314) 589-6000 (TDD). Interpreting services are available upon request for persons with hearing disabilities.  Interested parties should contact the Office on the Disabled at (314) 622-3686/voice or (314) 622-3693/TTY.

CDA is an equal opportunity agency (employer).  Minority participation is encouraged.
