Fox Manor Apartments Reaches 100% Occupancy!

On June 14th Rise, the City of St. Louis Community Development Administration (CDA), and Dutchtown South Community Corporation hosted the grand opening and ribbon cutting celebration of the revitalized Fox Manor Apartments.

We are elated to announce that as of October 31st Fox Manor is at 100% occupancy!

Located between Delor and Itaska Avenues on South Spring Avenue, the Fox Manor Apartments were revitalized with exterior facelifts, new floor plans, structural enhancements, modern amenities and architectural improvements designed to increase market value. The redevelopment of the Fox Manor Apartments has strengthened the community through the redesign of 25 unoccupied multi-family buildings, which are now reconfigured into 51 apartments and a management office.

The 40 rehabilitated units and 11 new units were built with design excellence in mind, yet are very sustainable and affordable.

Congratulations to everyone involved, especially the residents and business owners in the neighborhood.


Spring/Delor apartments