Missouri Low Income Housing Tax Credits Need Your Help! We Have a Toolkit!

The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) voted to eliminate State LIHTCs from its annual funding plan for 2018 on November 17, 2017. The plan is now out for public comment and MHDC meets on December 19th to make a final decision. Jeff Smith, executive director of the Missouri Workforce Housing Association (MOWHA), hosted a strategy meeting on Tuesday, the 28th.  At this meeting, a comprehensive strategy for direct advocacy, press, and social media was rolled out. We need help with advocacy from everyone who believes in the need for affordable housing in Missouri.

We are calling these tools the LIHTC Advocacy Tool Kit. Everything you need and detailed instructions are included. Start by viewing the PowerPoint presentation. You can access the complete toolkit  below:

1) Powerpoint Presentation

2) Key points to use in your advocacy efforts

3) A calendar with social media prompts

4) Email addresses and Twitter handles for all members of the House and Senate

5) A Twitter tutorial. (Please remember, when sending tweets, Please include the hashtags #SaveMOHousing and #MOLeg at the end of your tweets.)

6) A letter to MHDC from 22 mayors from throughout Missouri

7) A pie chart explaining how each LIHTC dollar gets spent (Spoiler: only about a dime of each dollar goes to the developer.)

8) MOWHA’s response to MHDC’s Qualified Allocation Plan

Below are the email address of the MHDC Commissioners:

Jeff Bay: [email protected]

Bill Miller: [email protected] or [email protected]

Treasurer Eric Schmitt: [email protected] (surrogate)

Jason Crowell: [email protected]

Lt. Gov. Mike Parson: [email protected]

Atty. General Josh Hawley: [email protected]

Gov. Eric Greitens [email protected] (surrogate)

Please view the PowerPoint presentation and do as much as possible to advocate for a change in the status of the vote coming up on December 19, 2017. Thank you for your help and your support of affordable housing for Missouri’s most vulnerable people!

Statement from Rise – MHDC Withholds Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

November 17, 2017

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens and his allies moved to withhold state low-income housing tax credits this year. The vote came at the Missouri Housing Development Commission in Columbia today.

Rise’s President, Stephen Acree, has released an official statement concerning the decision:

This morning the Missouri Housing Development Commission voted to strip State Low Income Housing Tax Credits from its annual funding plan for 2018. By orchestrating this vote, the Governor is attempting to use the Commission to administratively overrule the will of the legislature. Sadly, low-income Missourians will suffer from this callous act.  There are tens of thousands of people on housing waiting lists across the state.  By thwarting the will of the legislature to withhold these resources, seniors, homeless veterans and people with special needs will spend another winter out in the cold, in shelters, or doubled-up with whoever might take them in. All because of political gamesmanship.

The funding plan, called the Qualified Allocation Plan, now goes out for public comment. We urge all concerned citizens to speak out. We hope that MHDC will respond to the calls of those most affected and the legislature and do the right thing when the plan goes back to them for approval in December.

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