Rise and CBN’s Distressed-Market Neighborhoods Training

Rise, in collaboration with Community Builders Network, engaged in a group training seminar focused on capacity building and working in distressed-market neighborhoods. Many thanks to Harris Stowe State University for hosting!

Topics and Speakers included:

CDC Linked to Broader Community Capacity – Brian Hurd, Rise

Understanding Distressed Market Neighborhoods and Policy Priorities – Matthew Mourning, City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency

Emerging Local Community Capacity Models –

Emerging Community Development System in the St. Louis Region – Rick Bonasch, Rise

Speaking the Same Language – Taylor Harris, Rise Practicum Student (Washington University – George W. Brown School of Social Work)

Public Policy Priorities – Colleen Hafner, St. Louis Equity Fund

Attendees and presenters explored established strategies, emerging policies, and new tools to enhance data-driven Metro Area revitalization decision-making, and equip community development professionals to more effectively address the challenges they face in distressed markets.

Please take a look at the Training Handouts from the CDC (Community Development Corporation) Presentations – all are linked below, and you can review all of the fantastic information provided during this informative and exciting call to action.

Training Handouts:

Hyde Park Collaborative Presentation

The turnout was amazing today. The increasing synergy of community development, citizen-centric, and neighborhood organizations, and an ever-growing cadre of individuals dedicated to sustainable and holistic community revitalization – it’s invigorating and inspirational. The passion and urgency for the strides we can take together to continue lifting the St. Louis Metro Area are absolutely tangible in these thoughtful training sessions.

Rise Teams Up with CBN on Distressed-Market Training

Community Development in Distressed-Market Communities

Rise, in collaboration with Community Builders Network, is offering this group training seminar focused on working in distressed neighborhoods.

We will explore strategies, policies and tools to help make better decisions that will be useful with informing and equipping community development professionals and others addressing the challenges in distressed markets.

Come and let us continue working collectively to strengthen the region’s community development system so that we can build a stronger future for the St. Louis region.

Date: Thursday, May 7, 2015 
Time: 9:00 a.m. – Noon 
Location: Harris Stowe State University/AT&T Library, Telecommunity Room
RSVP: Contact Brian Hurd, Technical Assistance Program Manager, 333-7012 (tel) or [email protected]

Outcomes for Participants:

  • Informing strategy with reliable, up-to-date information
  • Developing a common language around community development
  • Making collaboration a way of thinking
  • Encouraging community-based planning for neighborhood change
  • Using and leveraging resources strategically
  • Understanding policy and putting into practice

For more on upcoming Rise trainings, check out full schedule here.

CBN & Rise Training: Revitalization in Transitional Neighborhoods

On March 27th, Rise Community Development in collaboration with Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis held a thoughtful and informative training session on Revitalization in Transitional Neighborhoods at Harris Stowe State University.

At the forefront of the discussion: Building a St. Louis Regional Community Development System

Background information on local and regional collaborations, successful revitalization implementations from other cities and regions, future plans and recommendations, as well as outreach strategies and more were all discussed in a variety of formats. These included: informational slideshows and presentations, video conference discussions and Q&A with out-of-town community leaders, as well as a breakout session for the attendees at the end of the Training Session.

The Full PowerPoint Presentation Can Be Viewed Here:Community Development in Middle Market Neighborhoods


Presenters & Moderators:  

Brian Hurd (Rise), Karl Guenther (CBN), Jenny Ryan (CBN)

brianhurd  karlguenther  Jenny Ryan


David Boehlke is a nationally recognized expert in neighborhood revitalization and the country’s leading authority on Healthy Neighborhoods. David has worked in more than 125 communities over his 30-ear career. He has served in numerous capacities as a consultant and executive director of several nonprofit organizations. He holds degrees in geography and acrhitecture from John’s Hopkins and Harvard.

Dr. Sally Scott joined the Housing and Land Use Program in 2012 and is focused on building collaborative partnerships with academic, nonprofit, government and for-profit organizations in Iowa and across the Midwest. Previously, Dr. Scott worked in Baltimore, MD, leading collaborative community development initiatives to revitalize neighborhoods at risk of decline and mitigate the impact of foreclosure on low and moderate-income families.

Dr. Todd Swanstrom is the Des Lee Professor of Community Collaboration and Public Policy Administration at the University of Missouri – St. Louis, (UMSL), and specializes in urban politics and public policy. He has an MA from Washington University (1971) and a Ph.D. from Princeton (1981). Prior to joining UMSL Todd taught at Saint Louis University and the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany (SUNY).  He also worked as a neighborhood planner in Cleveland and as the Director of Strategic Planning for the City of Albany, NY. He is presently doing research on neighborhood dynamics in weak market metros and the causes and effects of high levels of involuntary residential mobility.  Todd uses the resources of his endowed professorship to support the Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis


Enthusiastic attendees included interested parties and individuals hailing from multiple facets of local St. Louis neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment committees, communities, and organizations.


For more information on upcoming Rise trainings check the website or contact Brian Hurd, Technical Assistance Project Manager, at [email protected] or 314-333-7012.